

作者:史黛西·艾斯勒,宾州大学 |


液体鼻整形术与液体鼻整形术的比较. 鼻整形手术

For years, 鼻整形手术 has reigned supreme as patients’ number one choice for nasal correction. 根据 美国整形外科医师协会 (asp),鼻整形术是最重要的 最流行的澳洲幸运10正规官网开奖平台 2020年在全国范围内进行,甚至超过了隆胸. However, when you schedule a consultation and meet with a board-certified aesthetic professional, 你可能会发现,你根本不需要做手术来爱你的鼻子!


The 非手术隆鼻 is an excellent alternative to the traditional rhinoplasty; it is long-lasting, 方法, customizable, and has many other benefits that make it a desirable choice for many patients. 让我们仔细看看 液体鼻整形术 以及为什么它如此受欢迎.


A 非手术鼻整形术即“液体”鼻整形术 filler with strong structural integrity to create a balanced and more even appearance to the nose. It is useful in refining the tip of the nose and/or hiding dorsal bumps along the nasal bridge, 或者在一个扁平的鼻子上建一座桥.

外科rh血型, 另一方面, 是为了缩小鼻子的比例吗, 改变鼻型, 把凸起全部去掉. In some cases, the procedure can also be accompanied by a deviated septum repair or a nasal turbinate reduction to address certain breathing/internal structural issues with the nose.


无论你选择手术还是非手术, both will help you achieve facial balance and profile enhancement — the important thing you should consider is what other benefits are you looking for?


• No downtime


•矫正歪鼻子 & 其他结构性问题(例如.e. 隔膜)

哪一个最适合你的目标和生活方式? 你可以去问问有执业资格的整形外科医生!

Surgical vs. 液体鼻整形术:哪一种适合你?

当你向你的供应商描述你的目标时, they will be able to discuss the benefits and risks of each option and recommend the best treatment plan to match your individual needs. The experience and credentials of your injector and/or plastic surgeon are a priority when moving forward with either treatment type. Be sure to do research to ensure that they have the necessary experience and a trained aesthetic eye!

Surgical vs. 液体鼻整形术
A patient is examined for a 非手术鼻整形术 with 史黛西·艾斯勒,宾州大学.


Non-surgical rhinoplasties are performed by placing injectable filler into certain areas of the nose that lack the volume to create a more balanced, 流线型的鼻子. Dermal fillers are commonly used to add volume and fullness to many different areas of the face.

你的注射器会咨询你的澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网方法, listen closely to understand your goals and answer any questions you have. They will examine your nose to create a treatment plan and determine precisely where the filler should be placed and how much will be needed to achieve the nose you desire. Afterward, your injector can perform your treatment in the same appointment — typically it will only take about 15 minutes! Most patients experience very little to zero pain or discomfort during and after the treatment.


Results can last nine months to a year (depending on the kind of filler used) before a touch-up is needed. Patients can enjoy their results for a long time without having to make the commitment to surgery. Another major benefit to non-surgical rhinoplasties is that you can enjoy your results right away!

If you have any concerns about your results after two weeks (once any potential bruising and/or swelling subsides), set up a follow-up appointment to discuss with your injector if any touch-ups or adjustments are recommended.

Patient discussing 鼻整形手术 with board certified plastic surgeon Dr. 米歇尔Sieffert.


Some 俄亥俄州哥伦布市的整形外科医生 view surgery and injectables as a dichotomy, but we think of them more as a spectrum. 一些最美丽的, powerful outcomes that you can achieve are ones that combine both modalities. We believe that, 如果我们能为你取得一个伟大的成果, it doesn’t matter how we are achieving it — if that is what’s right for you and your anatomy.

哪种选择最适合你的目标和生活方式? Ask our team! Our 委员会认证医师助理,Stacie Isler以及认证的整形外科医生 Dr. Sieffert, would love to meet with you to tell you about your options and start you on the path toward loving your nose!


Stacie Isler‘s experience in plastic surgery and aesthetics is extensive and thorough. Stacie began her time as a Physician Assistant in surgical reconstruction, but later found her true passion in what she practices now which is non-surgical solutions like injectables, lasers, 还有身体塑形澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网. 用她15年的广博知识, Stacie provides honest and clear guidance to her patients every day to help them feel comfortable and confident.


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